Shareware Grab Bag
Shareware Grab Bag.iso
Assembly Source File
1,014 lines
Page 80,132
Title 'LUT - List LBR Directory'
Comment |
LUT Command
Purpose: Displays the contents of one or more library (LBR) files
created by the LU or LAR utility.
Format: LUT [d:][path]filename[.ext]
Remarks: If no operands are supplied, all files with an
extension of LBR in the current path are listed.
Global filename characters * and ? are allowed in
the filename and extension.
1) List directory of all LBR files on drive B
2) List directories of all LBR files on current drive
3) List all LBR directories of filenames beginning with XYZ
4) List all LBR directories in subdirectory called ABC
Notes: Written for the IBM PC using DOS 2.0 or later.
Copyright 1984 Vernon Buerg. For public domain use.
Version 1.7, Aug 8, 1984
Version 1.8, Aug 15,1984
sorted directory list
display member CRC and Index pointers
calculate directory CRC
Version 1.81, Aug 29, 1984
added CP/M LU86 date/time formatting
Version 1.82, Sep 4, 1984
remove CRC display, use D_Pad
Version 1.83, Sep 25, 1984
correct command operands
Version 1.90, Nov 10, 1984
default extension to LBR
Version 1.91, Feb 9, 1985
correct CHDIR problem
DirNtry Struc ;LU/LAR directory entries
D_Stat Db 0 ;File status
D_File Db 8 Dup (' ') ;File name (FCB format)
D_Ext Db 3 Dup (' ') ; and extension
D_Ptr Dw 0 ;Offset to data (mod 128)
D_Len Dw 0 ;Length, 128-byte sectors
D_CRC Db 2 Dup (0) ;CRC check bytes \
D_Cdate Db 2 Dup (0) ;Create date \
D_Udate Db 2 Dup (0) ;Update date LU86 format
D_Ctime Db 2 Dup (0) ;Create time /
D_Utime Db 2 Dup (0) ;Update time /
D_Pad Db 6 Dup (0) ;Pad bytes in last block
DirNtry Ends
Active Equ 0
Deleted Equ 254
Unused Equ 255
Dir_Len Equ Size DirNtry
CR Equ 13
LF Equ 10
Stopper Equ 255
Dater Record Yr:7,Mo:4,Dy:5
Timer Record HH:5,MM:6,XX:5
Cseg Segment Public Para 'CODE'
Assume CS:Cseg,DS:Cseg,ES:Cseg
Org 100h
Lut Proc Far
Lea SP,Stackx ;Use local stack
Push DS ;Standard entry
Sub AX,AX ; for DOS return
Push AX
Mov Stk_Top,SP ;Save for exit
Jmp Ver
; Constants and work areas
Mode Db 0 ;New or old format
; 01 = ***DIR format 02 = CRC included
; 04 = LU86 stamps 08 = CRC invalid
TotBlk Dw 0 ;Total blocks used
NumDel Db 0 ;Deleted entries
ByteDel Dw 0 ;Blocks deleted
Entries Dw 0 ;Entries in dir
LenDir Dw 0 ;Total directory size
A_Buf Dw Offset DirBuf ;Offset to current entry
Handle Dw 0 ;File handle from open
CurDisk Db 255 ;Current disk
Stk_Top Dw 0 ;Stack ptr upon entry
SecSize Dw 128 ;Logical sector size
NumActv Db 1 ;Active entries
FilePtr Dw Offset FileNm ;Offset to filename part
Filend Dw Offset FileNm ; next char in file name
Default Db '*.LBR' ;Default criteria
Zero Dw 0 ; with ASCIIZ stopper
DirKey Db '********DIR' ;In new format libs
Heading Db CR,LF,LF
Db '=== Library '
LbrName Db 13 Dup (0)
Blanks Db 11 Dup (' ')
LuDate Db 10 Dup (' ')
LuTime Db 8 Dup (' '),Stopper
Header Db CR,LF,LF,' Filename Ext Bytes Index '
Headern Db ' --- Created --- '
Headerh Db ' --- Updated --- ',Stopper
Bmsg Db CR,LF,LF
TotByte Db ' ',' bytes used;'
Dmsg Equ This Byte
NumDir Db ' ',' alloc entries;'
TotActv Db ' ',' active;'
TotDel Db ' ',' deleted'
Dmsg_nd Db Stopper ; if none deleted
DelByte Db ' ',' bytes',Stopper
Line Db CR,LF,' ' ;DETAIL print line
Member Db 'filename ext',' '
NumByte Db 8 Dup (32)
Index Db 8 Dup (32)
L_End Db ' ' ; end of line if no stamps
C_Date Db 'mm/dd/yy '
C_Time Db 'hh:mm:ss'
C_End Db ' ' ; if no update stamp
U_Date Db 'mm/dd/yy '
U_Time Db 'hh:mm:ss',Stopper
Msg1 Db CR,LF,'No files found ',Stopper
BadCRC Db CR,LF,'Dir CRC invalid',7,CR,LF,Stopper
Msg3 Db CR,LF,'I/O error',CR,LF,Stopper
Msg6 Db CR,LF,LF,'Invalid LBR format: ',Stopper
Alocmsg Db CR,LF,'Not enough memory',Stopper
Sorry Db CR,LF,'PC DOS Version 2.x required',Stopper
Version Db 'LUT - Version 1.91 - V.Buerg',Stopper
; Display and check versions
Ver: Mov DX,Offset Version ;Display program name
Call PrintS
Mov AH,30h ;Check DOS version
Int 21h
Cmp AL,2
Jae Alloc
Mov DX,Offset Sorry
Jmp Errors
; Allocate Directory Buffer
Alloc: Mov BX,Paras ;Shrink memory
Mov AH,4Ah ; to see if have engouh memory
Int 21h
Jnc GetDta
Mov DX,Offset Alocmsg
Jmp Errors
GetDta: Mov DX,Offset DTA ;Establish a DTA
Mov Byte Ptr LstPath,255
Mov AH,1Ah
Int 21h
Call GetParm ;Get command parameters
Mov DX,FilePtr ;Find first matching entry
Mov AH,4Eh
Int 21h
Jc Error4
Found: Or AL,AL ;Any found?
Jnz Done ; no, all done
Call ListDir ; yes, display it
Mov AH,4Fh ;Find next entry
Int 21h
Jmp Short Found
; Exits and error routines
Error4: Mov DX,Offset Msg1 ;Say NO FILE(S) FOUND
Call PrintS
Mov DX,FilePtr ; with filename
Errors: Mov AX,CS ;Insure DS
Mov SP,Stk_Top ;Insure stack
Call PrintS ;Error message
Done: Cmp Byte Ptr LstPath,255 ; Was path changed?
Je Done2
Done1: Mov AH,3Bh ; Restore target drive path
Mov Byte Ptr OldPath,'\'
Mov DX,Offset Oldpath
Int 21h
Done2: Mov AH,0Eh ;Restore current disk
Mov DL,CurDisk
Cmp DL,255 ; was it changed?
Je Exit
Int 21h
Exit: Ret ;Far return to DOS
; List directory for each file
ListDir Proc Near
Call OpenLib ;Access next library
Jc Err1
Call ReadMst ;Get master DIR entry
Jc Err3
Call Verify ;Validate master entry
Jc Err6
Call ReadLib ;Read remainder of directory
Jc Err3
Call ChkCRC ;Validate directory CRC
Call GetDate ;Format file date/time
Call Sort ;Sort into name order
Jmp Short List1 ; and display directory
; Error messages
Err3: Mov DX,Offset Msg3 ;Say I/O error
Jmp Short ErrMsg
Err1: Mov DX,Offset Msg1 ;Say OPEN FAILED
Jmp Short ErrMsg
Err6: Mov DX,Offset Msg6 ;Say INVALID LBR FORMAT
ErrMsg: Call PrintS ;Display error message
Mov DX,FilePtr ; with filename
Call PrintS
Close: Mov BX,Handle ;Close library
Jz Closed
Mov AH,3Eh
Int 21h
Closed: Mov Handle,0 ; indicate closed
; Display the titles
List1: Mov SI,Offset DTA+30 ;Copy filename to heading
Mov DI,Offset LbrName
Mov CX,13
List5: Lodsb
Cmp AL,0 ;End of name?
Je List6
Loop List5
List6: Mov AL,' ' ; pad with blanks
Rep Stosb
Mov DX,Offset Heading ;Display titles
Call PrintS
Test Mode,8 ;CRC okay?
Jz List6c
Mov DX,Offset BadCRC ; no, say so
Call PrintS
List6c: Mov DX,Offset Header ;Display headings
Call PrintS
List7: Mov AX,Entries ;Format number of DIR entries
Mov DI,Offset NumDir
Call Format
; Display each active entry
List10: Mov BX,A_Buf ;Current buffer position
Cmp [BX].D_Stat,Deleted ;Entry deleted?
Jne List12
Mov AX,[BX].D_Len ; yes, accumlate stats
Add ByteDel,AX
Inc NumDel
Jmp List19
List12: Cmp [BX].D_Stat,Active ;Is entry in use?
Je List13 ; no, skip it
Jmp List19
List13: Inc NumActv
Lea SI,[BX].D_File ;Display file name
Mov DI,Offset Member
Mov CX,8 ;Copy file name
Rep Movsb
Inc DI
Mov CX,3 ; and extension
Rep Movsb
Mov AX,[BX].D_Len ;Number of sectors
Add TotBlk,AX
Mul SecSize ;Calculate bytes
Test Mode,1 ;DIR format?
Jnz List13a
Test Mode,6 ;LU86 format?
Jz List13a
Mov CL,Byte Ptr [BX].D_Pad
Sbb DX,0
List13a:Mov DI,Offset NumByte
Call Formatd ; and format
Mov AX,[BX].D_Ptr ;Format Index to data
Mov DI,Offset Index
Call Format
Test Mode,1 ;LU86 format?
Jnz List17
Test Mode,4 ; yes, has stamping?
Jz List18 ; no, short lines
Mov DI,Offset C_Time ;Format LU86 create stamp
Mov DX,Word Ptr [BX].D_Ctime
Call FixTime
Mov DI,Offset C_Date
Mov DX,Word Ptr [BX].D_Cdate
Call CPM_Date
Mov DI,Offset U_Time ;Format LU86 update stamp
Mov DX,Word Ptr [BX].D_Utime
Jnz List14
Mov DX,Word Ptr [BX].D_Ctime
List14: Call FixTime
Mov DI,Offset U_Date
Mov DX,Word Ptr [BX].D_Udate
Jnz List15
Mov DX,Word Ptr [BX].D_Cdate
List15: Call CPM_Date
Jmp Short List18
List17: Mov CX,8 ;New ASCII stamp format
Mov DI,Offset C_Date ; copy date
Rep Movsb
Mov CX,8 ; and time
Lea SI,[BX].D_Utime
Mov DI,Offset C_Time
Rep Movsb
List18: Mov DX,Offset Line ;Display an entry
Call PrintS
List19: Dec Entries ;Dir count
Jz List20
Add BX,Dir_Len ; for next entry
Mov A_Buf,BX
Jmp List10
; Display totals
List20: Mov AL,NumActv ;Format use count
Mov DI,Offset TotActv
Call Format
List22: Mov AL,NumDel ;Format deleted count
Mov DI,Offset TotDel
Call Format
List23: Mov AX,TotBlk ;Format total size in bytes
Mul SecSize
Mov DI,Offset TotByte
Call Formatd
List24: Cmp NumDel,0 ;Any deleted?
Je List25 ; no, just active totals
Mov Dmsg_nd,'' ; yes, expand totals msg
Mov AX,ByteDel
Mul SecSize ;Format deleted bytes
Mov DI,Offset DelByte
Call Formatd ; from double word
List25: Mov DX,Offset Bmsg ;Display Bmsg and Dmsg totals
Call PrintS
Call Close
ListDir Endp
; Use next matching entry for Open
OpenLib Proc Near
Mov SI,Offset DTA+30 ;Move name from DTA
Mov DI,FilePtr ; for OPEN
Mov CX,13
Move: Lodsb
Cmp AL,0 ; if end of name
Loopne Move
Jcxz Open
Rep Stosb
Open: Mov DX,FilePtr ;Open the library
Mov AX,3D00h ; for reading
Int 21h
Mov Handle,AX
OpenLib Endp
ReadMst Proc Near
Mov BX,Handle ;Read master directory entry
Mov CX,32 ; first 32-byte record
Mov DX,A_Buf
Mov AH,3Fh
Int 21h
Jc Error3
Cmp AX,CX ;Got all of it?
Jne Error3
ReadLib: ;Read remaining entries
Mov BX,A_Buf
Mov AX,Word Ptr [BX].D_Len ;Sectors for direc.
Mov TotBlk,DX
Mov NumActv,DL ;Reset counters
Mov NumDel,DL
Add AX,AX ;Calc number of entries
Add AX,AX ; four per sector
Mov Entries,AX
Dec AX ;Calc size remaining
Mov CL,5 ; as 32-bytes each
Mov LenDir,CX ;Save length
Add LenDir,Dir_Len ; of entire directory
Mov BX,Handle ;Read rest of directory
Mov DX,A_Buf
Add DX,Dir_Len
Mov AH,3Fh
Int 21h
Jc Error3
Cmp AX,CX ;Got all of it?
Jne Error3
Error3: Clc
ReadMst Endp
; Validate master directory entry
Verify Proc Near
Mov BX,A_Buf
Cmp Byte Ptr [BX].D_Stat,AL ;Active first entry?
Jne NotLBR
Cmp Word Ptr [BX].D_Ptr,AX ;Valid index pointer?
Jne NotLBR
Mov Mode,AL ;Init LBR type and
Mov AL,Stopper
Mov Headern,AL ; line lengths
Mov Headerh,AL
Mov L_End,AL
Mov C_End,AL
Mov CX,11 ;Check name of blanks
Lea SI,Word Ptr [BX].D_File
Mov DI,Offset Blanks
Repe Cmpsb
Jne Ver4
Cmp Word Ptr [BX].D_CRC,CX ;Any CRC?
Je Ver2
Or Mode,2 ; yes...
Ver2: Cmp Word Ptr [BX].D_Ctime,CX
Je Ver9 ;Any LU86 stamps?
Or Mode,4 ; yes...
Mov C_End,' '
Mov Headerh,' '
Jmp Short Ver8
Ver4: Mov CX,11 ;May be new format
Lea SI,Byte Ptr [BX].D_File
Mov DI,Offset DirKey
Repe Cmpsb
Jne NotLBR
Mov Mode,1 ;Indicate ***DIR format
Ver8: Mov Headern,' '
Mov L_End,' '
Ver9: Clc ;Return CD=0
NotLBR: Stc ;or CF=1 if not LBR
Verify Endp
; Check CRC for directory
ChkCRC Proc Near
And Mode,0FFh-8 ;Clear error indication
Test Mode,2 ;LU86 CRC included?
Jz ChkCRC9 ; no, skip it
Mov SI,A_Buf ;Calculate directory CRC
Mov CX,LenDir
Mov DX,Word Ptr [BX].D_CRC ;Save original CRC
Or DX,DX ; any used?
Jz ChkCRC9 ; nope, skip check
Mov Word Ptr [BX].D_CRC,0
Call GetCRC ;CRC for directory block
Call UpdCRC ; and for end-of-block
Mov Word Ptr [BX].D_CRC,DX
Cmp AX,DX ;CRC correct?
Je ChkCRC9
Or Mode,8 ; no, indicate error
ChkCRC Endp
; Calculate CRC for a block from CCIT polynomial
; CRC = x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1
GetCRC Proc Near ;SI points to data
Push BX ;CX contains length
Push DX
Sub BX,BX ;Zero resultant CRC
GetCRC0:Mov CX,8 ; bits in a byte
Lodsb ; get next byte
GetCRC1:Rol AL,1 ;MSB -> carry
Rcl BX,1 ; -> CRC LSB
Jnc GetCRC2
Xor BX,1021h
GetCRC2:Loop GetCRC1
Dec DX
Jnz GetCRC0
Mov AX,BX ;Return CRC in AX
Pop DX
Pop BX
GetCRC Endp
; Update CRC at end of block
UpdCRC Proc Near ;CRC in AX
Push BX
Push DX
Mov BX,AX ;Current CRC
Mov CX,2 ;Last two bytes
Mov SI,Offset Zero ; of zero
Jmp Short GetCRCs
UpdCRC Endp
; Get Library file date/time
GetDate Proc Near ;Determine original date
Mov BX,Handle
Mov AX,5700h ;Get LBR file date/time
Int 21h ; in DX:CX
Push CX
Mov DI,Offset LuDate ;Convert DOS date
Call FixDate
Pop DX ;Convert DOS time
Mov DI,Offset LuTime
Call FixTime
; Format DOS date
FixDate:Mov AX,DX ;Get month part
And AX,Mask Mo
Mov CL,Mo
Call Cnvrt
Mov AL,'/'
Stosb ;Add delimiter
Mov AX,DX ;Get day part
And AX,Mask Dy
Call Cnvrt1
Mov AL,'/'
Stosb ;Add delimiter
Mov AX,DX ;Get year part
And AX,Mask Yr
Mov CL,Yr
Add AL,80
Jmp Cnvrt1
; Format DOS time
FixTime:Mov AX,DX ;Get hour part
And AX,Mask Hh
Mov CL,Hh
Call Cnvrt
Mov AL,':'
Stosb ;Add delimiter
Mov AX,DX ;Get min part
And AX,Mask Mm
Mov CL,Mm
Call Cnvrt
Mov AL,':'
Stosb ;Add delimiter
Mov AX,DX ;Get secs part
And AX,Mask Xx
Jmp Short Cnvrt1
Cnvrt: Shr AX,CL ;Convert to ASCII
Cnvrt1: Aam
Or AX,'00'
Xchg AH,AL
GetDate Endp
; Format CPM date
CPM_Date Proc Near ;Convert CP/M date
Push AX ; DI points to target
Push CX ; DX contains CPM date
Push SI
Mov AX,DX ;Days since 12/31/77
Sub CX,CX ;Years since
Mov DX,OneYear
CD1: Sub AX,DX ; for 1978
Jle CD2
Inc CL
Sub AX,DX ; for 1979
Jle CD2
Inc CL
Inc DX
Sub AX,DX ; for next leap year
Jle CD2
Dec DX
Inc CL
Sub AX,DX ; and year after
Jle CD2
Inc CL
Jmp Short CD1
CD2: Add AX,DX
Mov DX,AX ;Save days left over
CD3: Mov AX,CX ;Adjust year
Add AL,78 ; plus base year
Mov Days+1,28 ;Days in Feb
Test AL,3 ;Is it leap year?
Jnz CD4 ; no, has 28
Mov Days+1,29 ; yes, has one more
CD4: Push AX ;Save year
Mov SI,Offset Days ; point to days/month
Mov CL,1 ; month number
CD5: Lodsb
Sub DX,AX ; days into month
Jle CD6 ; within month
Inc CL
Jmp Short CD5
CD6: Add DX,AX
CD7: Mov AX,CX ;Format month
Call Cnvrt1
Mov AX,DX ;Format day
Inc DI
Call Cnvrt1
Pop AX ;Format year
Inc DI
Call Cnvrt1
Pop SI
Pop CX
Pop AX
Days Db 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31
OneYear Equ 365 ;Days in normal year
CPM_Date Endp
; Format a double word value
Format Proc Near ;Format a block number
Formatd:Push AX ;Value in DX:AX
Push DI ;Offset to target
Push BX
Push CX
Push SI
Mov BX,DI ;Save target offset
Mov CX,6 ;Clear target to blanks
Mov SI,Offset Blanks
Rep Movsb
Mov CX,4 ;Divide sucessively by
Sub SI,SI ; powers of ten
Mov DI,BX ;Restore target ptr
Form1: Or AX,AX ;It is zero?
Jnz Form1d
Jz Form2
Form1d: Div TenK[SI]
Aam ;Make AL into BCD
Form2: Or AX,'00' ; and to ASCII
Xchg AL,AH
Or Byte Ptr [DI],AL
Mov Byte Ptr [DI]+1,AH
Inc DI ;Next digit
Inc SI ;Next divisor
Inc SI
Mov AX,DX ;Copy remainder
Sub DX,DX ; and clear hi-word
Loop Form1
Aam ;Make AL into BCD
Or AX,'00' ; and to ASCII
Xchg AL,AH
Mov Byte Ptr [DI]+1,AH
Mov CL,5 ;Suppress leading zeros
Mov DI,BX ;Get target offset back
Mov AL,' '
Form3: Cmp Byte Ptr [DI],'0'
Jne Form4
Loop Form3
Form4: Pop SI
Pop CX
Pop BX
Pop DI
Pop AX
TenK Dw 10000,1000,100,10 ;For converting numbers
Format Endp
; Print String
PrintS Proc Near ;Print string like Int 21h (9)
Push BX ;DX points to string
Push BP
Push SI
PS1: Lodsb
Cmp AL,0 ;Skip zeros
Je PS1
Cmp AL,Stopper ;String ends in a hex FF
Je PS9 ; so can print $
Mov AH,2 ;Display output to standrd dev
Int 21h
Jmp Short PS1
PS9: Pop SI
Pop BP
Pop BX
PrintS Endp
; Get command operands
GetParm Proc Near ;Operand is LBR name
Mov DI,Offset FileNm
Mov CX,38
Sub AX,AX ;Clear filename
Rep Stosw ; to zeros
Mov AL,Stopper
Stosb ; and append stopper
Mov SI,82h ;Point to command tail
Mov DI,Offset FileNm ; and target
Or CL,DS:[80h] ;Length of parameters
Jnz Copy1
Jmp Copy8 ; none, list all LBR
Copy1: Lodsb ;Skip leading blanks
Cmp AL,' ' ; while copying LBR name
Loope Copy1
Copy2: Stosb ;Copy non-blanks
Cmp AL,0Dh ;End of parameters?
Je Copy3 ; yes, done
Cmp AL,' ' ; no, have blank at end?
Loopne Copy2 ; if not, just copy
; Set new disk from specified drive
Copy3: Mov Filend,DI ;Save end of name ptr
Cmp FileNm+1,':' ;If a drive is specified,
Jne Copy4
Mov AH,19h ;Save current disk
Int 21h
Mov CurDisk,AL
Mov DL,Byte Ptr FileNm ;Set new current disk
And DL,0DFh
Sub DL,'A'
Mov AH,0Eh
Int 21h
Mov FilePtr,Offset FileNm+2
; Determine if any path specified in command
Copy4: Mov SI,FilePtr ;First possible filename char
Cmp AL,0 ;Just drive?
Je Copy8 ; yes, append default fname
Cmp AL,'\' ;Was a path specified?
Je CopyP
Cmp AL,'/'
Jne Copy9 ; no, see if fname has ext
CopyP: Mov AH,47h ; yes, save original path
Sub DL,DL ; for target drive
Mov SI,Offset Oldpath+1
Int 21h
; Set new current directory from command's path
Copy5: Mov AH,3Bh ;Set new path
Mov DX,FilePtr
Int 21h
Jnc Copy7 ; if path only
Mov SI,Filend ;Have filename after path
Mov CX,SI ;Length so far
Sub CX,FilePtr
Copy6: Lodsb
Cmp AL,'\' ;Last path name?
Loopne Copy6
Inc SI ; yes, mark filename spot
Mov Byte Ptr [SI],0 ; and reset ASCIIZ path name
Inc SI
Mov DX,FilePtr
Mov FilePtr,SI ;Ptr to filename part
Mov AH,3Bh
Int 21h
Jmp Short Copy9 ; and check ext
Mov SI,Filend ;Filename ptr at
Mov FilePtr,SI ; end of path name
; Append *.LBR if no fname
Copy8: Cld
Mov SI,FilePtr
Cmp Byte Ptr [SI],0
Jne Copy9
Mov DI,Filend ;Append default spec
Mov SI,Offset Default ; after path-only name
Mov CX,6
Rep Movsb
Jmp Short CopyC ; all done
; Append LBR extension if none supplied
Copy9: Cld
Mov SI,FilePtr ;Find any EXT
Mov CX,13 ; in filename
CopyA: Lodsb
Cmp AL,' '
Ja CopyB ; no ext
Dec SI
Mov Word Ptr [SI],'L.' ; default to .LBR
Mov Word Ptr 2[SI],'RB'
Jmp Short CopyC
CopyB: Cmp AL,'.' ;Found extension?
Loopne CopyA ; not yet
CopyC:; Mov DX,Offset FileNm
; Call PrintS
GetParm Endp
Subttl --- SORT Subroutine ---
; Bubble sort of directory names, CX=number of entries
; Sort variables
Count2 Dw 0 ;Loop counter
First Dw 0 ;Offset to starting entry
Second Dw 0 ;Offset to next entry to comp
Len Equ 32 ;Length of each entry
KeyLen Equ 11 ;Length of key
Sort Proc Near ;Nothing fancy here
Mov AX,Entries ;Sort into name order
Mov DI,A_Buf ;Offset to array
Dec AX ; less one as loop limit
Jz Sorted ;Only one
Js Sorted ; or none
Mov Count2,AX ;Save loop limit
Sortit: Mov First,DI ;Offset to first entry
Mov Second,DI
Sort1: Mov DX,Count2 ;Save limit count
Sort2: Mov SI,First ;First entry to
Inc SI
Mov DI,Second ; compare to next entry
Add DI,Len
Mov Second,DI
Inc DI
Mov CX,KeyLen
Repe Cmpsb ;Compare elements
Jbe Sort3 ; if in order, no swap
Swap: Mov DI,Second ; else swap
Mov SI,First
Mov CX,Len
Mov AH,Byte Ptr [SI]
Mov AL,Byte Ptr [DI]
Mov Byte Ptr [SI],AH
Inc SI
Loop Xchng
Sort3: Dec DX
Jnz Sort2
Dec Count2
Jz Sorted
Mov AX,Len ;Bump to next entry
Add AX,First ; for next loop
Mov First,AX
Mov Second,AX
Jmp Short Sort1
Sorted: Ret
Sort Endp
Storage Equ This Byte
Stackx Equ Storage+256 ; Local stack end
DTA Equ Stackx+4 ; Data transfer area
FileNm Equ DTA+78 ; Requested file name
Oldpath Equ FileNm+78 ; Target disk original path
LstPath Equ OldPath+1
DirBuf Equ OldPath+78 ; 8K directory buffer
Paras Equ ($-Cseg+10240)/16 ; Paragraphs in program
; including stack and patch area
Lut Endp
Cseg Ends
End Lut